Wednesday, December 23, 2009

You are locked into Obamacare.

This is a great article from an MD answering the question "Can I get out of Obamacare?"

American Enterprise Institute

Some highlights:

In effect, the plan creates a single national health-insurance policy. Consumers' only real option is to trade higher co-pays for lower premiums. But we'll all get the same package of benefits established by a series of new agencies and an "insurance czar" seated in Washington.

The overriding goal of this reform is to turn health insurance into a more "egalitarian" benefit that's the same for everyone, regardless of income, personal preference or need. So rules written under President Obama to implement the Obama plan are a sure bet to intentionally curtail anyone's ability to wrap around this national coverage with a supplemental policy or to contract privately with doctors to pay your way out of its limitations.

It is easy to see how Obama plans to lower "costs." Everyone will now have to pay for standardized care. This means more care for some, but less for others. To save money, some things will certainly be left off the Czar's approved health insurance coverage itinerary. Seems like a lot of power for any bureaucrat (or bureaucracy) to handle. Plus, how does that bureaucrat know what is good for me and my family (and for that matter, yours)? I wonder if a lower life expectancy is considered a "cost?"

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