Thursday, December 30, 2010

How To Reduce Unemployment.

This article posted today at Real Clear Markets offers some good advice for POTUS to consider. In addition to these 5 things, I can think of a few additional items to consider.

1. Drop the corporate income tax altogether. Business make investment choices based on after-tax returns. Increasing those returns will give more marginal investments an opportunity to generate a return and produce more income to tax. This also avoids the double-taxation of business profits and put equity and debt financing on equal ground. By giving equity financing the same status a debt financing it should reduce the need for companies to take on too much debt making our businesses more stable and strong. No corporate income tax would also free up monies that no longer have to be spent to hire tax attorneys and accountants that add no value to a business.

2. Cut government bureaucracy by 50%. The more government employees you have, the more busy-bodies there are to create rules and regulations. Reduce the number of people then slash the number regulations by 50%. Do we really need a regulation of bath room fixture height? In addition, there should not be multiple government agencies with oversight of the same issues. Take customs for instance. There are no fewer than 5 different agencies with their hand in the customs clearance process. This is absurd.

3. Every state should be a right-to-work state. The federal and state government should ban unionization of their workforce. Work rules where the people paying the salaries have little to no say in those rules is wrong. A collective bargaining agreement that is under the influence of politicians is not good for the tax payers. This government unionization drives up the cost of labor with no increase in productivity. That is not good for the economy.

4. Remove the minimum wage entirely. You cannot pay $7.25 for labor that is only producing $5 in value. Sorry that is a recipe for bankruptcy or unemployment.

I am sure there are many more ideas out there. In general, government needs to get out of the way and stop driving up the cost to hire workers.

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