Saturday, March 20, 2010

Letter to the Editor

Second submission this week to the Wichita Eagle...

Dear Editor,

Much has been made of the recent health care debate. Among those advocating more government involvement in health care are people that claim that a country as great as ours should provide health care for all its citizens.

The point these people are missing is what got America to this point? Was it bigger government and state controlled enterprise that made us great? It most certainly was not. It was the Founders’ ideals of small government and individual freedom and accountability that got us to the pinnacle of history’s standard of living.

German economist Adolph Wagner theorized over 100 years ago that once countries reach a certain level of prosperity the populace will eventually vote themselves ever more benefits accompanied by growth in government. As government grows and more citizens find themselves dependent on those social services, one can only imagine a decline in the overall level of our prosperity as fewer people are actually producing the goods and services that created history’s most prosperous society.

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