Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Gun Control is Out of Control

It appears the Supreme Court will finally weigh in and interpret the Second Amendment. The question that will be answered is did the Founders intend for individual Americans to own fire arms. To me it is very clear. Of course they did. Here is the second Amendment:

Amendment 2 - Right to Bear Arms. Ratified 12/15/1791.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

If the Founders had intended for only the Militia to own fire arms, then the last half would have read, the right of the Militia to keep and bear Arms,....

Legislators and Federal Judges have been trying to twist the meaning of the Second Amendment for many years. In fact, officials did infringe on the Right to Bear Arms when they restricted the right of DC residents to own firearms in 1976. Obviously that move did nothing to keep violence under control. DC is regularly one of the most violent cities in the US.

Gun control laws keep law abiding citizens from owning fire arms. There are laws against battery, theft and hundreds of other things, but that does not mean those crimes do not exist. Evil people will always find ways to harm others. Laws won't stop it, even gun control laws.

There is usually one common theme when violent crime occurs, one party has a significant advantage in strength or armament. Most of the time it is the bad guy. Fire arms are the great equalizer. The more people that are armed, the safer our society will be.

Virginia Tech and Northern Illinois University were both gun-free areas. That did nothing to stop two insane people from killing way too many people. If the bad guys know guns are not allowed, doesn't that create an incentive to attack those areas? What if our entire society is a gun free zone? I doubt either one of these incidents would have occurred if the perpetrators knew that even a small percentage of students carried a concealed hand gun.

It would be a sad day in American history should the Supreme Court decide that Americans cannot bear arms. Americans would lose the freedom to protect themselves. What will be taken from Americans next, free speech or trial by jury?

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