Wednesday, February 20, 2008

small man...smaller brain.

Once again Robert Reich shows that he is not only vertically challenged, but mentally challenged as well.

Robert Reich in New York Times

1. Real Total Compensation is up substantially over the last 30 years. When the cost of benefits is added to wages, the American worker is much better off today. Lower taxes have also meant the American workers gets to keep more of their money. Thanks President Reagan.

2. You cannot spend your way to prosperity. The idea that consumer spending makes us more prosperous as a nation is a little flawed. Yes the rich have everything they want, but it is their investments (Savings) that allow new ideas to be commercialized into the products we all want to buy. Without money for investment, we all (most) live at a subsistence level. Fortunately the rich do save as most Americans save nothing. You cannot have a prosperous society without savings and investment.

3. Schools do not need more money. They need to spend what they have more wisely. Today many schools have as many administrators as they have teacheres. Cut the bureaucry and you can use that same money to improve education. Private schools are able to educate children with better results and less money. Why can't public schools? Maybe competition would help? It might also help if parents actually cared about their childrens' education.

Reich is the typical Berkely, CA government talking head. This is the same type of person that says Marines are not welcome in their city. How can you trust people that don't want Marines!

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