Tuesday, February 26, 2008

We thought it was a good idea.....

The US Government will essentially be banning all incandescent light bulbs in 2012. Of course with any government action, there are undoubtedly the unfortunate consequences and this light bulb mess is no exception. The element mercury is present in all florescent bulbs. The same funny looking bulbs that are going to save the environment and let humans occupy the plant for a few more centuries are dangerous.

There are starting to be news reports about the problems and dangers of the new bulbs, most of which are related to mercury. The problems range from mercury contamination in landfills, broken bulbs resulting in mercury inhalation (especially children), not to mention how many 12 volt florescent bulbs are on the market (for your car).

Keep in mind that government action ususally has nasty side-effects with most, if not all of their actions. It is nice to have good intentions, but good intentions are not an excuse (at least a good excuse). Think what would happen if they were in charge of health care. It sounds like a great idea, but if the government is involved it is highly unlikely.

Dealing with Mercury

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