Thursday, August 21, 2008

Kids Should Have Liberty Too

I fully support the initiative by college presidents to lower the drinking age. My only problem with the whole thing is they want to lower it to 18. In my opinion, why do we need one at all?

Having a drinking age just criminalizes kids. Kids experiment. We all (at least most) did and were fortunate not to be labeled a criminal (after getting caught).

My list of reasons why we should have NO drinking age:

1. Parents can teach responsible consumption habits when they feel it is appropriate for their kids to consume.
2. Kids that over consume will seek out help if they know they will not be prosecuted
3. Friends will take over consumers to medical care if they think it is appropriate knowing they will not get in trouble
4. It will lower enforcement cost of businesses (no more mean bouncers at the door)
5. Fake IDs (an even bigger offense) will cease to exist
6. Kids can drink in a supervised environment at home, not is some remote field where they can get hurt (see Eagle) and then drive home
7. For some reason legal activity is just not as fun as illegal activity
8. Kids need to learn responsible behavior is more supervised social structure. Not when they go to college with fewer responsible social safety nets.

A good portion of the argument is here.

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