Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Not sure where B Hussein's economic advisors got their education, but his tax policy is a wreck. Now he wants to give Seniors a free ride? How is he going to pay for all those programs once those making over $250,000 are tapped out?

When AARP thinks its a bad idea, it must really be a bad idea....

"The proposal would exempt comparatively well off, though not affluent, senior citizens from tax and give them a benefit not generally available to working Americans," said the Tax Policy Center paper. It "helps only those low-income seniors who currently pay income taxes. Those too poor to owe any tax _ arguably those most in need _ would get no benefit."

Even the powerful seniors' lobby AARP doesn't seem excited about Obama's idea. An AARP bulletin on the presidential candidates' tax plans barely mentions it, saying that Obama's proposal could partly offset additional taxes that Obama would impose on seniors through higher tax rates on dividends and capital gains.

From Townhall.com

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