Tuesday, October 7, 2008

B Hussein Creates Jobs

He keeps saying that his energy plan will create jobs. However, he fails to say how he will create 5 million new jobs. Here is how I see it:

1. The government taxes the people
2. Higher taxes mean businesses have less capital at their disposal
3. Less capital means fewer jobs created or layoffs
4. B Hussein gives favors to "green" (AKA politically connected) industries to subsidize jobs.
5. Those jobs create no real value for society (unlike #3) since private industry did not think enough of the technology to invest in it before it was subsidized (think ethanol and syn fuel)
6. We now have 5 million people that could be working in productive industries that are instead consuming precious capital that the government took from #1.
7. Technology is not cost effective so government provides more short-term (AKA long-term) subsidies.
8. Repeat #1

While there might be 5 Million new jobs, there were certainly more than 5 Million before. Government redistribution is not free as the tax machine might take in $10 but only spit out $9. That would assume government is 90% efficient, wouldn't that be nice? Government never creates jobs, only work (AKA the hole diggers and hole fillers), and consumes capital the private sector would otherwise use to produce useful products.

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