Friday, October 31, 2008

Letter to Congress

Dear Senator:

I am very concerned about the current actions being undertaken by Congress. Nearly $1 Trillion is being spent without any coherent plan. We now have all sort of companies from Autos, Alternative Energy, Hedge Funds, Banks and even States looking for a piece of the government bonanza of spending.

Congress has created the largest moral hazard in the history of man by socializing the huge losses by companies that took on too much risk in investments they did not understand. This is just providing more evidence that government involvement in business is costly to the prosperity of society. Your actions in Congress will saddle our children’s children with more debt than they can realistically sustain.

I ask that Congress actually take the appropriate action which is nothing. Let firms go bankrupt that made bad decisions. Let stronger companies buy whatever is left of those firms and move on. The natural workings of the free market will repair the damage that has been caused by bad government policies from the last 40 years. It will take time to unwind what was been done, but more government involvement will only make matters worse over the long run.

There is undoubtedly pressure for Congress to do something. However, resist that pressure and temptation and let events take their course. This will prove to be the right action over time.

Respectfully yours,

Wichita, KS

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