Sunday, March 23, 2008

Exporting from Kansas

I have a question I would like to pose to Gov. Sebelius:

Since Kansans make more airplanes than we can use, should we stop making additional airplanes? After all, the extra airplanes we make do have an impact on the environment. The aircraft industry uses lots of solvents, chemicals, and not to mention energy to make all those extra planes. Wouldn't the State then be better off by making fewer of these toxic machines?

The above is absurd. Of course we would not be better off in Kansas. Now substitute power for airplanes above and see if it really changes anything. All Kansans would be better off we produced more power, especially if we were to export it to other states. Electricity is a great export product just like airplanes. Now we just need to get the Governor to see it the same way.

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