Friday, March 14, 2008

The Kansas Senators Have Failed Us

Both of the Kansas Senators voted against the McCain-Demint Earmark Ban.  As a result, here is the letter I sent Pat Roberts.

Dear Senator, I am very disappointed in your vote on the McCain-Demint Earmark Spending Ban. This was your chance to prove you are serious about restraining the reckless Federal Spending that will bankrupt not only our children, but the nation. The Republican Party is supposed to be about smaller government, less taxation, and fiscal responsibility. Unfortunately, the Kansas Senate delegation has apparently forgotten the Republican creed. There was absolutely no excuse for not supporting this legislation. It is a sad day in Kansas politics indeed. Doug

 I am sure I will get another one of Pat's form letters in return expalining all kinds of excuses why this would be bad for Kansas.  In truth, there is no way this is good for anyone except those few people on the receiving end of the money.  This is not the Senators money, it is the American taxpayers' money.  Unfortunately these reckless spenders will not have to live with the painful results of their actions.  Our children will.

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