Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Spitzer Is Not the Anomaly

I am sure at one point in their careers, politicians really did believe they were in office to help people.  However, over time most begin to gorge themselves on the power they acquire.  This power then corrupts them to the point they begin to feel they are above the law.  Case in point, Elliot Spitzer.

Now the Governor (or Love Governor) is/was no doubt at the top of his game.  He had prosecuted some of the biggest names on Wall Street and found his way to Albany and the Governor's office.  The future prospects were bright for Spitzer and there was even talk of a future in DC.  Then the quick 2-day fall from grace.

Now this sounds like an isolated, sad tragedy.  Unfortunately it is not.  It is all to common and has already affected at least one US President (Clinton #1) and maybe even more (JFK to name just one more).  Power corrupts to the point that people no longer act in the interest of their constituency, but rather their own self-interest.  They see themselves as all powerful and knowing.  So much so that they believe they are the ones to best choose how the rest of use get to live our lives even if that means hypocrisy.

This is why the Founders wanted to limit the power and influence of the Federal Government.  Those limits have been exceeded so many times that people have failed to realize just how much control the government has on everything we do.  In short Americans are losing their liberty bit by bit to people that cannot hold themselves to the moral character they are forcing on everyone else.

So the question that must be answered then are politicians really the people you want in charge of health care, education, public safety and all the other areas where government gets involved in our daily lives?  Remember there is a little bit of Elliot in all politicians.

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