Tuesday, March 11, 2008

We need coal, period.

The fight is on in Kansas over two proposed power generators in Western Kansas. These two 700MW units will be driven by coal, the one energy source we have plenty of in the US.

Coal is not the cleanest fuel, and far from it. However, technology exists that makes is much less damaging to the environment than it used to be. It is expected that the useful life of these two generators will be 50 years. I am confident that within the next few years the technology for cleaner burning coals will be available and economically feasible. This is almost a certainty if the government moves forward with their plans to tax emissions (which is another bad idea that will just add about $1 Billion to Kansans' tax bill).

The Kansas Legislature had already voted once to deny the required building permits, but over turned that vote recently. Unfortunately Governor Sebelius plans on vetoing the bill. The Governor's claim to fame in Kansas is unemployment and job creation. However, Kansas would have had a net loss of jobs in 2006 and 2007 if it were not for the growth of jobs in the government, particularly State government. This is a chance for Kansas to add real jobs and the foundation for real value creation. It will create a better tax base for a very sparsely populated area. An area that can handle the environmental impact of these two generators. Yes there will be more mercury pollution per person than almost anywhere in the country, but that is because of the very low population, not because there is a lot of mercury. That is simply a scare tactic.

These plants offer real economic benefits to Kansas. The power will actually be an export, and that is a good thing. Power is a product and no different than airplanes or widgets. The Governor is just wrong on this issue and just one more example of how she is opposed to economic growth and a healthy Kansas economy.

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