Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Congress is Responsible for High Oil Prices...

I like this OP-ed that came out today. Just imagine that you are French and buy your oil with Euros. The price of oil has only slightly increase in real reams since the Euro has gone from about .85 to the dollar to 1.5 to the dollar. Amazing that oil has gone from about $50 to $100/bbl.

If you think about it, the entire mess we are in today is the result of way the Feds have managed monetary policy. Lawrence Lindsay wrote a great piece in the WSJ today. Even B Hussein has played a role.

Contrary to the claims last year of Sen. Barack Obama, it was never the
financial services industry (in my experience) that lobbied for easier lending
terms. Rather it was politicians who sought easier lending regulations so more
constituents could borrow. Community activists (Mr. Obama's occupation before
becoming an elected official) also put on the pressure.

Congress should stop pointing fingers and start taking some blame.

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