Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Entitlement Culture

Americans are moving closer and closer to a socialist society with our compulsive need for government to get involved in our lives. Government is now involved in our daily lives through entitlements and subsidies in retirement, education, health, housing, food supply and energy to name just a few.

I doubt the founders had this in mind when they were writing the Constitution. George Will makes some good commentary with his article today in

Maybe we could take some lessons from New Zealand. Here is a great summary of what has happened in New Zealand from Maurice P. McTigue. Wouldn't it be great if we could eliminate 66% of the Federal Government and get more employment, better markets, lower taxes and better education? If we are not careful the US will far even farther in the world rankings of economic freedom. The world is getting better and learning what truly makes society more prosperous. The US on the other hand, is moving more and more toward a society of big government.

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