Thursday, April 17, 2008

Failed Policy

Here is this week's letter to my Senators:

Dear Senator:

This Op-Ed in today’s New York Post states very eloquently what I have been trying to communicate for over 2 years now to my representation in Washington, D.C. I believe you will be well served to read it and take action that will keep the US out of economic despair. Here it is:

Food vs Fuel

I am very concerned our environmental policy and energy policy will create the kind of economic havoc that will reduce permanently our standard of living. While I recognize the need to address climate change, there is no scientific consensus that CO2 levels are the culprit. Implementing policy that endangers our standard of living without careful consideration of the unintended consequences is very dangerous. No one is to blame but Congress should people around the world starve, riot, and upset the relative peace and prosperity we enjoy today..

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