Friday, April 11, 2008

The Loss of Talent

There is an excellent article in the Economist about the recent debacle with the H1-b visa process that started on April 1. Many of America's greatest breakthroughs and triumphs were the result of talented immigrants coming to this country. Think scientists like Einstein and Von Braun, business people like Andy Grove and the Google founders to get an idea of the contribution these people make to our society. America needs these talented people to create jobs and discover the next big advancements in technology, medicine, and who know what else. This is how our standard of living and quality of life can get even better.

However, we have a bunch of knuckle-head Congressmen that are getting illegal immigration mixed up with the realities of a global work force. Unlike many countries, America does not have to lure people to our shores. People genuinely want to be here. So why restrict the number of H1-B visas? There is no good reason.

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