Sunday, June 8, 2008

Buy Local?

It seems there has been a lot of press on the merits (the green kind) of eating food that is grown locally. When I first heard this I thought it seemed a little suspicious. After all, what are you suppose to eat in Kansas from October through March/April? I guess Atkins is a possibility with an all pork, beef and chicken diet. Now I like meat as much as any one, but I do need a little fruit and veggie now and then. Kansas has it good I suppose, what are the Canadians suppose to do?

Turns out that the majority of greenhouse gases caused by food does NOT come from transportation of food (11%), but rather in production (83%). This is all from a report you can read here. So go ahead and enjoy your bananas, Chilean veggies, and other winter foods from down south when it is snowing outside.

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