Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Flat Tax Revolution

I am still trying to fully form my opinion on the Flat Tax. Many Libertarians, Boortz followers and the like are big advocates and I see many advantages. One is a less complex tax structure, another is closing loopholes that politicians can provide to help them with campaign donations.

Here is what I would need to see in order to support a flat tax.

1. A rate 17% or lower
2. No corporate income tax
3. No Federal excise taxes or estate taxes
4. NO growth of FICA tax sturctures or rates
5. Commitment by State governments to reduce taxes and the size of State government

To me the Flat Tax will only be successful if there is commitment to make government smaller and less influential in our daily lives. However, the Flat Tax is showing promise all over the world. In that respect, the US better get competitive with taxes or more business will head overseas. We have some of the highest corporate tax rates in the world and that is not good for business.

Here is a good video on the Flat Tax.

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