Friday, June 27, 2008

Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dumb (Maybe Tweedle-Dumber)

I really related to the column from Burt Prelutsky today.

Frankly, what I find even scarier than Iran’s getting its dirty little hands on a nuclear bomb is the fact that tens of millions of my fellow Americans are eager to elect this numbskull in November. As someone or other once observed, success doesn’t change people, it reveals them.

But, lest you think I’m just another right-wing partisan hack, let me assure you that I’m not too enamored of most Republican politicians, either. From 2000-2006, while the GOP controlled Congress, I watched those wimps waste six years trying to curry favor with the Democrats. What they needed was Newt Gingrich with a whip, what they had was Dennis Hastert with a very wet noodle.

The biggest question I have regarding the Republicans in Washington is deciding if their stupidity out-weighs their cowardice or whether it’s the other way around. On Monday, they seem to be worried about offending homosexuals. On Tuesday, they’re terrified of angering blacks. Wednesday, they’re scared stiff of alienating illegal aliens. By Thursday, they’ve taken to their beds, suffering from the vapors. The really nutty thing is that very few of those people are going to vote for them anyway. But of course if they dared come out against same-sex marriages, affirmative action or tax-funded social services for Hispanic scofflaws, they’d be scolded by the New York Times and the Washington Post, and that’s something they simply couldn’t bear.

The entire column is worth the time to read.

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