Monday, June 23, 2008

Obama Is Business As Usual, Not Change.

You have to be very skeptical of any political candidate that claims to embrace change. You have to be very skeptical of politician running for re-election or a new office that claims to embrace change. After all, positive change happens rarely in government.

Now B Hussein has claimed he will cut ties to special interests, won't except money of lobbyists, and will represent the will of the people. This idea sounds fabulous during some of B Hussein's oratories, but is that really possible? A politician without ties to big money, special interests? One's BS alert has to being signaling that something is amiss here.

Turns out, B Hussein is no different. While he may not take money from firms that lobby, he will gladly take money from their employees. In addition, it turns out B Hussein has ties to the Ethanol Industry. I am confident that folks like Tom Daschle (one of B Hussein's prominent campaign advisers) and the companies he represents in DC have at least some influence on B Hussein's policies. So with all the talk about change in the B Hussein camp, it is really just business as usual.

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